12 September 2023


The main aims of the Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports are to ensure the participation of the students in social, cultural and sporting activities, support the activities of the clubs, organize sports activities in and between the universities, and facilitate the participation of our students in the organized sports and cultural activities. The student clubs of our university carry out their activities with the support and control of the Health, Culture and Sports Directorate. 
Our Directorate is a completely student-oriented unit where students can play a guiding and regulatory role in all kinds of activities, as well as the students can convey their wishes and complaints through the Solution Center.
The Health, Culture and Sports Directorate supervises all kinds of student activities and provides them with the necessary support. The Student Council ensures the healthy conduct of elections, supervises the work of the student council and provides the necessary support to the council.
The Directorate invites the leading institutions and managers of the sector to the university, organizes panels, interviews, conferences and events. The Directorate support the students to participate in scientific activities organized by other universities.

Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports 
