17 January 2025

Cansağlığı Club Organized an Event on Patient Profiles in Neuropsychological Assessment

Üsküdar University Cansağlığı Club held a seminar titled "Patient Profiles in Neuropsychological Assessment" on December 30, 2024. The event, held in Üsküdar University Central Campus A Block 330 Classroom, was held face-to-face with 30 participants.

During the event, the neuropsychological assessment process was examined in detail, especially in Alzheimer's, MS and brain tumor diseases. Lecturer Sena Kıcıklar informed the participants about the cognitive deficits associated with these diseases and explained how the neuropsychological tests used to evaluate these deficits are performed.

Kıcıklar explained the cognitive effects of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and MS, the tests used to identify these diseases and patient profiles, and gave examples from her clinical studies.

Throughout the event, participants not only deepened their knowledge about the neuropsychological assessment process, but also asked Sena Kıcıklar questions about her academic life and opportunities to pursue a master's degree abroad. Participants, especially psychology students, stated that the seminar was useful and informative for them.

At the end of the seminar, the participants expressed their satisfaction with the event and thanked the Cansağlığı Club team.

The seminar provided participants with valuable information about the use of neuropsychological tests and patient profiles, as well as academic career and graduate school opportunities. The event was an important learning opportunity for psychology students and other participants and created great excitement for the future activities of the club.
