02 May 2024

UU Neuroscience Club Organized an Online Talk on Cognitive Neuroscience

Üsküdar University Neuroscience Club organized an online talk event titled "What is: Cognitive Neuroscience" online conversation event on April 24, 2024. The invited speaker of the event, which attracted great interest of the participants, was Prof. Dr. Cumhur Taş, an expert in his field.

The event offered participants an opportunity to understand the basics of the field of cognitive neuroscience and the work being done in this field. With the presentation of Prof. Dr. Cumhur Taş, the participants had the opportunity to get to know the research and experimental processes carried out in neuroscience laboratories.

The online event was attended by 52 people. After Prof. Taş's presentation, the participants had the opportunity to share their views and receive valuable advice during the question and answer session.

In the comments made after the event, it was emphasized that the participants gained important information about cognitive neuroscience and research processes in neuroscience laboratories and received useful advice from Prof. Dr. Cumhur Taş's experiences.

Üsküdar University Neuroscience Club stated that it will continue to provide students with the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge about their fields and learn directly from experts with such events .This event was an important step in bringing academic knowledge to a wide audience and guiding students about their careers.
