05 June 2023

How to Cope with Exam Anxiety

To increase students' awareness of how to cope with exam anxiety, to explain what anxiety is and to inform students about methods of coping with anxiety

The event started with the presentation of Clinical Psychologist Hazal Erkan Arıman, with a distinction between stress and anxiety and defining levels of stress and anxiety. While getting prepared for the exams, it was mentioned that anxiety in some certain rates may positively affect the success in the exams. Furthermore, a few tips were given to the students in order to avoid high level of exam anxiety. Students asked, "What is the best way to pvercome lack of knowledge for upcoming exams?’, "Can listening to music have an effect on focusing while getting prepared for the exams?" or “When should someone consult for a Professional help in order to cope with anxiety?” While the students mentioned that the event was very productive, the international students who participated in the event reported that English as the language of the event made it productive in order to understand the subject.
