27 February 2025

Uskudar University Staff Table Tennis Tournament was the Stage of Great Excitement! 🏓🎉

Staff Table Tennis Tournament organized by Üsküdar University Health, Culture and Sports (SKS) Department ,

On February 18, 2025, the tournament was held at the Çarşı Campus Sports Hall. The tournament, which attracted great interest from academic and administrative staff, witnessed fiercely competitive matches.

Tournament Excitement Moved from Quarterfinals to Finals!

In the tournament, where the matches were determined with the draw of lots, the participants took their rackets and started the struggle. There was intense competition in the quarterfinal, semi-final and final stages of the tournament.

Players who eliminated their opponents in the first round advanced to the quarterfinals, while in the semifinals Prof. Dr. İlham Miraç - Assist. Yavuz ZÜLFİKAROĞLU and Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Arslan - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatih Temiz were followed with great interest. As a result of the semi-final matches, Prof. Dr. İlham Miraç and Dr. Assoc. Member Fatih Temiz qualified for the final.

Table Tennis Tournament Results 🏓

First Round Pairings:

Match No

Player 1

Player 2



Ilham Mirac

Regaip Kirkıl

Ilham Mirac


Sertaç Temur

Mert M. Oymak

Mert M. Oymak


Enis Kranda

Yavuz Zülfikaroğlu

Yavuz Zülfikaroğlu


M. Emin Beşer

Necla Polat

Necla Polat


Osman Tosun

M. Berkcan Arslan

Osman Tosun


Ibrahim Arslan

Kübra Akkalay

Ibrahim Arslan


Mehmet Kavacik

Fatih Temiz

Fatih Temiz

Quarter Final Results

Match No

Player 1

Player 2



Ilham Mirac

Mert M. Oymak

Ilham Mirac


Yavuz Zülfikaroğlu

Necla Polat

Yavuz Zülfikaroğlu


Osman Tosun

Ibrahim Arslan

Ibrahim Arslan


Fatih Temiz


Fatih Temiz

Semi-Final Results

Match No

Player 1

Player 2



Ilham Mirac

Yavuz Zülfikaroğlu

Ilham Mirac


Ibrahim Arslan

Fatih Temiz

Fatih Temiz

Great Struggle in the Final Match!

In the final match, Prof. Dr. İlham Miraç and Dr. Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatih Temiz faced each other. In the exciting match, Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Fatih Temiz defeated his opponent and became the champion! In the third place match, Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Arslan, Assoc. Assist. Yavuz Zülfikaroğlu and finished the tournament in third place.

Final Match


Player 1

Player 2



Ilham Mirac

Fatih Temiz

Fatih Temiz 🏆

🏆 Tournament Results:

🥇 First: Dr. Lecturer Member Fatih Temiz
🥈Second: Prof. Dr. Ilham Mirac
🥉 Third: Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Arslan

At the end of the tournament, all participants had a pleasant day. As Üsküdar University, we would like to thank all our academic and administrative staff who participated in the tournament and congratulate the winners!

The tournament was refereed by Güllü TURAN, Assistant Director of SKS.

See you at the next tournament! 🎉🏓
