30 May 2023

What are Inherited Diseases?

Inherited diseases are usually of genetic origin and are a health problem that can be transmitted between family members. Simultaneous screening of multiple genes that may be associated with the disease...

What are Hereditary Diseases?

Hereditary diseases are usually of genetic origin and can be transmitted between family members. The disease can be diagnosed by simultaneous screening of multiple genes that may be associated with the disease and by examining gene panels that can be transferred between family members. Despite the increase in research in genetic science and medicine, no definitive solution has been found for the treatment of hereditary diseases.

What is a Hereditary Disease?

Hereditary disease is a health problem that occurs in one or both parents and is passed on genetically to the child. This means that changes in the genetic material result in the loss of normal functions. Inherited diseases may be present in the individual from birth and the symptoms of the disease may appear later in life or may never occur. These diseases can also be present from birth. In addition, it is also possible for an individual with mutated genes to remain recessive and not have any hereditary disease.

What are the Symptoms of Hereditary Diseases?

The symptoms of inherited diseases can vary depending on the type of disease and the individual's constitution. Common symptoms associated with inherited diseases are as follows;

  • Mental retardation and learning disabilities (dyslexia)
  • Delay in development, weight and growth
  • Digestive problems (abdominal and groin pains)
  • Abnormalities observed in hair, skin or nails
  • Respiratory problems (shortness of breath, prolonged or intermittent cough)
  • Distortions in body shape
  • Sight problems (cataract, glaucoma)
  • Tumor or cancerous cell formation
  • Bleeding disorders under the skin
  • Muscle problems or nervous system disorders
  • Kidney stone formation
  • Rashitzmia caused by vitamin deficiency

Some hereditary diseases show symptoms at an early age, while others may appear later in life. It is very important to diagnose these diseases early and start treatment. For this reason, it is recommended that you consult your doctor if you notice the above symptoms in yourself. We will examine hereditary diseases in more detail in the rest of our article.

What are the Types of Hereditary Diseases?

Hereditary diseases can occur in many different ways. Mutated genes passed down from the mother or father, especially in consanguineous marriages or situations that are not taken into consideration during pregnancy can trigger the formation of these diseases. The main hereditary diseases that continue to affect the tissue or gene in which they occur are as follows;

1- Mediterranean Anemia (Thalassemia)

Mediterranean anemia, a hereditary blood disorder, is one of the most common genetic diseases in our country. People with Mediterranean anemia have symptoms such as anemia, shortness of breath, quick interpretation, joint pain and weakness. It is in the category of dangerous diseases. It is possible to control the disease in early diagnosis. If the parents are carriers, there is a high risk of Mediterranean anemia in the child. In addition, it is important to avoid consanguineous marriages to protect against most genetic diseases of the Mediterranean.

2- Asthma

Asthma is a disease of the airways. When the airways leading to the lungs become narrowed or swollen, breathing becomes difficult. The most common symptoms of asthma include coughing, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. Asthma can be a genetic disease or it can be caused by various factors. Therefore, if asthma is not a genetically transmitted disease, necessary precautions should be taken to prevent it.

3- Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is a disease that occurs as a result of a genetic defect. Individuals with Down syndrome have 47 chromosomes instead of 46. It causes physical retardation such as short stature, thick neck and small ears, as well as mental retardation such as learning disabilities and delayed speech. Down syndrome can be detected in the womb or at birth. Currently, there is no definitive treatment for Down syndrome.

4- Hemophilia

Hemophilia is the inability of blood to clot due to a functional disorder. People with this disorder can experience prolonged bleeding, even after a minor injury. It is more common in men than in women. As with other inherited diseases, hemophilia can also occur as a result of consanguineous marriage. Therefore, it is possible to prevent the spread of the disease by taking the necessary precautions.

5- Bone Resorption

Bone resorption is a hereditary disease that causes bones to become brittle as a result of reduced bone density. This disease is common in women. Osteoporosis has no obvious symptoms. As the disease progresses, the feeling of fragility in the bones increases. Osteoporosis is caused by the transmission of genes from parents. Factors such as genetic factors, not consuming enough milk and dairy products are very effective in the development of the disease.

6- Leukemia (Blood Cancer)

Leukemia, a hereditary disease, is caused by abnormal growth or production of blood cells. Symptoms of leukemia include fatigue, weakness, weight loss, pale skin color, bone and joint pain. It is vital to start leukemia treatment at an early stage. Treatment varies according to the stage of the disease and the general condition of the individual.

7- Cancer

Cancer is a disease caused by uncontrolled cell growth and spread. Bowel, breast, uterine and ovarian cancers are the most common types of cancer among hereditary diseases. Early diagnosis and treatment are extremely important to prevent the spread of cancer throughout the body. Cancer can be passed on genetically, but it can also occur in the body with symptoms that develop later.

8- Obesity

Obesity is a chronic health problem caused by an irregular increase in the ratio of an individual's fat mass to lean mass. This ratio is calculated by dividing height by weight. Obesity can be caused by factors such as genetic factors, lack of physical activity, drug use and eating disorders. Today, obesity is one of the most rapidly spreading diseases. For this reason, it is recommended to get expert support to protect general health.

9- Diabetes (Diabetes)

Diabetes is a disease defined as the appearance of sugar in the urine as a result of the body's inability to control blood sugar. Common symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination, extreme fatigue, excessive thirst, aggression, weight loss and hunger. The treatment of diabetes, which is a serious health problem, depends on the type and stage of diabetes. For this reason, individuals with diabetes should be under the supervision of a doctor.

The family has a significant influence on the development of genetic diseases. A genetic defect in one or both parents is passed on to the child through genes. The symptoms and severity of the disease vary according to the general condition of the person. Not all hereditary diseases have the same mechanism of occurrence and have their own treatment methods. However, some genetic diseases are not curable, but only slow down the course of the disease. Examples of these diseases are diabetes and dowm syndrome.

For more details about cancer, which is a common type of hereditary disease, you can check out our article Knowns About Cancer.
