30 May 2023

What Are The Stable Study Techniques?

Do you think that you can't be productive despite working for hours? Then it would be useful for you to read our article.

What are the stable Study Techniques?

Do you think that you can't be productive despite working for hours? Then it would be useful for you to read our article.

1.What is the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro technique is a time management technique developed by Francesco Cirillo. Pomodoro means tomato in Italian, and this technique got its name from a tomato-shaped clock. Each working range in the technique is named Pomodoro. In the Pomodoro technique, the working intervals are kept short and separated from each other by breaks. A total of 30 minutes in the study session, with a 5-minute break every 25 minutes, equals 1 Pomodoro. After completing 4 Pomodoros in this way, a longer break of 25-30 minutes is required. The recommended number of Pomodoros per day is 16.

Studying with the Pomodoro Technique

1. First of all, determine the subject to be studied.

2. Set a timer for a 25-minute study session.

3. After 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break.

4. Complete this cycle 3 times.

5. Take a 25-30 minute break after the fourth pomodoro.

6. After 4 pomodoros, set a new cycle time with this technique and continue studying until it's over.

If the Pomodoro technique is applied correctly, it can be seen that even the most difficult lesson can be studied. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to understand the subject

to be studied in a shorter time by breaking it down into parts. The main condition for getting efficiency in the Pomodoro technique is to study by sitting at the desk in a concentrated manner

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2. What is the Cornell Technique?

The Cornell technique is a note-taking technique developed by Walter Pauk. Cornell technique provides effective and efficient note taking. Notes are placed in a certain page layout. It is aimed to learn the notes in a fast and practical way with the created keywords. The important steps in the Cornell note-taking technique are as follows;

• Saving: It is the recording of information that is considered important in the notebook.

• Abbreviation: It is the summary of information with keywords or short sentences.

• Repetition: It is testing whether the notes taken are remembered with keywords.

• Reflection: It is the process of testing the accuracy by making sense of the notes taken.

• Reviewing: It is the stage of understanding how much you remember by reviewing your notes at regular intervals.

• Sampling: It is supporting the learned knowledge with examples.

Note Taking with the Cornell Technique

1. Draw a horizontal line across the top of the paper

2. Draw a horizontal line across the bottom of the paper.

3. Draw a vertical line on the left side of the paper one quarter of the way.

4. Write the name of the lesson, its subject and the date of that day at the top.

5. Write a brief summary of the notes at the bottom.

6. Write key words and questions about the notes on the left.

7. Write down the notes you took in the three-quarters of the paper in the middle of the paper.

In the Cornell technique, the part with the notes is closed and it is tried to be remembered with keywords. This is an important guide to how to keep technical notes for effective study. Unlike classical note-taking, it provides efficient note-taking in a shorter time. If applied correctly, positive effects are seen on the learner.

3. What is the Nimonic Technique?

The Nimonic technique ensures that the information is permanent in the memory for a long time and can be quickly remembered when needed. The purpose of this learning technique is to facilitate the placement of information in memory. It is used especially in lessons where verbal information is intense and when learning a new language. It ensures that information is recorded in the mind through visual and auditory means. The Nimonic technique has 3 important stages. These;

1. Imagination: It is to ensure that the information that is desired to be remembered is illustrated by imagining in the mind.

2. Association: It is to ensure that the information is permanent in the mind by associating it with a subject or event.

3. Placement: It is the grouping of information by categorizing it in the mind

The academic success of the student is possible by determining the study techniques that will make the information more permanent in the memory by making sense of it. Each student's process of acquiring knowledge differs. However, with the determination of the right strategy, a positive effect can be observed in every student. The above techniques provide convenience for the student to learn more information in a shorter time. For this reason, it is very important to know these exam preparation techniques correctly for effective and efficient study.

So, are there strategic ways to learn? What are the learning strategies? Is it possible to apply the same strategy to every lesson?

Do Strategies Facilitate Learning?

Learning strategies are the set of actions that facilitate the learning of the individual in the way and methods of his/her choice. The purpose of learning strategies is to integrate the information that the individual will learn in his mind and to ensure that it is permanent. The individual's method of processing information; It is about what, how and when to learn. For this reason, the individual's adoption of appropriate learning strategies is very effective on the decisions he will make throughout his life.

Learning strategies;

• Increases efficiency in lessons and activities.

• It helps to learn more willingly.

• It contributes to being a conscious learner.

• It supports their learning outside of school.

Well, do you know what is the most suitable working method for yourself? Stay tuned for much more.
