17 July 2023
How to Choose the Right University? What are the Things to Consider in Preference Ranking?
In this article, we will discuss in detail what you should pay attention to when choosing a university and much more. Enjoy your reading!
How to Choose the Right University? What are the Things to Consider in Preference Ranking?
One of the most important decisions you will make to lay your career foundations and make hopeful plans for the future as a well-equipped young person is the choice of university. After years of education, you may find it difficult to make a choice as you transition to an academic period. But don't worry! We will discuss all the points you should pay attention to in this challenging preference process in detail in the rest of our article.
So, do you know the steps you need to take to follow your dreams and direct your career goals? Then, let's make one of the most important decisions of your life together!
1- Base Your Achievement Rank
The first and most important step when choosing a university is to check your ranking. After the exam results are announced, most candidates search for universities based on the score, not the ranking. However, it is your ranking that will determine the university you will settle in. Even if you have the same number of scores as your competitors, your ranking may be different. This is because of the difficulty level of the exam. Do not be intimidated by the number of candidates taking the exam. This will not make a big difference to your ranking. What will really mislead you will be to make a choice according to the score. No matter how much you trust your ranking, you may even be left in the open because you made it according to the score. The first thing you need to do to avoid such negativities is to pay attention to your success ranking on the result screen and take this result into account in the order of preference.
Recommendation: What to Consider When Choosing a University
2- Analyze Your Exam Result Document Correctly
We mentioned in the first article that the first thing you should look at when the exam results are announced is your ranking. Most candidates focus on the wrong points when the results are not what they want and the wrong choice is inevitable. First of all, examine your numerical, verbal and equal weight rankings on your result document. Do not mix these three rankings when making a preference. Another one is to mix the verbal and numerical parts of tyt and ayt results. What you need to do here is to follow the ranking. If you took the tyt, focus on the tyt result, if you took the ayt exam, focus on the ayt result. Start doing department and university research according to these rankings.
3- List the Departments and Universities You Want
There may be a department or university you dreamed of while preparing for the exam. But be prepared to be confused during the preference period. First, list the departments you want to study. Then do a research among the universities with these departments. Put the university with the highest ranking at the top and the one closer to your ranking and the one below it at the bottom. In this way, even if you cannot settle in the first preference, you will have the opportunity to settle in the next preferences. However, if you are thinking of studying at a foundation university, we recommend that you consider preference scholarships. Most foundation universities offer first five preference scholarships. For this, you need to write the same school in the first five or first three preferences. Therefore, you will be able to benefit from the financial support of the school after the preference.
For detailed information about Üsküdar University Scholarship Opportunities, please see Scholarships.
4- Do Not Include the Department You Do Not Want Among Your Preferences
First of all, remember that the university you study at will shape your future. You will be unhappy in a department you don't want and then maybe you will try to switch to other departments. Therefore, first decide what you want. You do not have to fill all your rights on the preference list. The point you should pay attention to here is not to make a choice to try. Let's say you are placed in a department and you don't want to go, your secondary education success score (OBP) will be halved the following year. This will have an effect on your ranking the following year and will reduce your chances of placement unless you make a higher ranking.
5- Research Quotas
Every year, the number of quotas for each school is published on the websites. The basis here is the quotas of the last two years. If the number of quotas has increased compared to the previous year, you may think that this year it will take students with lower rankings. The opposite is also possible. Therefore, you may think that there is an inverse proportion between the number of quotas and the success ranking. Keep in mind that including a department or university that you know will not come in your preference ranking will reduce your chances of placement if your next preferences are not correct. For this reason, do not neglect to check the quotas while doing university research.
6- Read the Preference Guide in Detail
You can find all you wonder about higher education institutions in the preference guides published every year. The preference guide contains comprehensive information about the department and university. However, most candidates make a preference without reading the guide and thus become victims of misguidance. The preference guide will guide you about which departments are available in which universities, the base and base scores of these departments, quota information, statistics of candidates who have settled in previous years, scholarship opportunities, social activities and the application process. For this reason, do not forget to read the guide published during the preference period.
7- Do a Detailed Research on Different Professions
You have taken the university exam, you have been successful, but you still did not get the result you wanted. At this point, what you need to do is to include different professions in your research. Of course, you can try your luck the following year. However, if you want to settle this year, we recommend that you give different professions a chance. Especially during the preference promotion days organized by universities, you can go to the desks of the departments you want and get information about the program from the academicians of the department. This will be the healthiest decision for you. If you do not have the chance to go, you can find detailed information on the official web pages of the universities.
8- Consider Graduate Employment Rate
You chose the department on a whim, but you may be worried about whether you will be able to find a job after graduation. First of all, remember that job gates will open depending on your efforts. However, what is important here is to investigate the employment rate of previous graduates. If you got the result you wanted from the university exam and want to find a job easily after graduation, we recommend that you prioritize professions that guarantee a job in your preference ranking. Also, if the department you are studying is suitable for you, remember that with a little effort, all job doors will open for you. At this stage, your path again leads to determining the departments and universities you want.
9- Research Universities Offering Blue Diplomas
The blue diploma is a complementary document that allows students to continue their post-graduation education in European Union countries, facilitates finding a job, and shows that they have graduated from the university equipped. Students who are entitled to receive this diploma can be employed internationally and make a difference to their competitors. Üsküdar University provides the blue diploma to all its students automatically and free of charge.
To get detailed information about the blue diploma, you can take a look at our content Student-Blue Diploma Supplement (DE).
10- Research the University Environment and Campus Facilities
At university, you are not only studying, but also developing socially and culturally. Therefore, it is very important at this point to recognize the opportunities that the university offers to the student. Does the university have a campus? What is its attitude in social activities? Finding answers to these questions will help you when making a choice. For this reason, we recommend that you visit the school before making a university choice. If you do not have such an opportunity, you can find detailed information about the university's approach to students and activities by visiting the pages of the Department of Health, Culture and Sports, International Office and Career Center Department on the website.
Üsküdar University Department of Health, Culture and Sports, International Office and Career Center Department.
There are many factors that every young person should consider when choosing a university. However, the most important thing you need to do at this point is to consider your own interests, abilities and career goals. Plan your preferences correctly to have an unforgettable university experience in the most colorful periods of your life and to build a strong future. Remember, the person that university life will transform you into is hidden in making the right use of the opportunities that come your way!
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