23 January 2024

Creative Ways to Cope with Stress for Students

Stress is part of everyday life. It plays an important role in the lives of people of all ages and professions. This is also the case for students.

Whenstress is notmanaged, your health is negatively affected in a long-term and sustained way. This is mainly because the body reacts physically and mentally to stress.

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8 Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

In the face of stress, the body initiates a reaction to the effect. Hormones are activated as a result of stimuli to the nervous system. Accelerated heartbeat, increased sweating and the feeling of being stressed are the best examples of this.

Undoubtedly, the most stressful time for students is during exam weeks and when project assignments are due. The stress experienced during this period is temporary. However, the increase in stress hormones disrupts the body's balance and this situation becomes chronic over time.

So, are there ways to cope with stress? You will find the answers to all the questions in your mind and much more in the rest of our article.

1. Do Art Therapy

Engaging in a form of art has positive effects on the body.

Drawing, listening to music or visiting an art gallery helps to relax by reducing stress hormones. Such activities are calming and a good way for students to explore their talents.

Engaging in activities you enjoy helps to cope with the negative effects of stress. Therefore, it is useful to include them in your routines.

2. Learn not to procrastinate

Another effective way to deal with stress is to know your priorities and avoid procrastination.

Procrastination is often the result of a lack of willpower, and it reduces effort by saying there is still time. This leads to sleepless hours and fatigue as a result.

A good step is to prepare a to-do list based on your priorities. However, it is as important to implement the list as it is to prepare it. Therefore, be sure to include deadlines.

Knowing exactly what you are going to do makes you aware of your responsibilities and prevents procrastination from becoming a disease.

For more information: Is Procrastination a Disease? How to Get Rid of It?

3. Try Hugging

Strange as it may sound, hugging has a stress-reducing effect.

Contact through hugging lowers blood pressure, which greatly reduces stress. In addition, cortisol levels decrease and the hormone oxytocin decreases as a result.

Hugging those around you can do you good.

4. Spend Time with Nature

Nature has a calming effect. You can go hiking, jogging or camping to improve your mood.

Nature is a good escape from stress-causing factors. Therefore, you can make a habit of spending time in nature to utilize your free time and reduce the negative effects of the stress you are exposed to during the day.

5. Writing is a Good Idea

Writing is another way to alleviate the effects of stress. A good approach is to write down the things that stress you out during the day, or to reflect on what you are grateful for.

In addition, writing down on a piece of paper when you feel stressed can make it easier to find the source of the stress. Focusing on positive emotions can help to alleviate the negative effects of stress.

6. Essential Exercise

One of the best things you can do to deal withstress is to exercise.

When you are stressed, the body is already mentally exhausted, so you may not want to add physical activity to it. But the best way to suppress mental stress is to create physical stress.

Exercise significantly reduces stress hormones, improves sleep quality and, most importantly, allows you to establish a routine.

Regular exercise is an effective stress reliever. For this reason, especially students should acquire this habit at an early stage.

7. Learn to Say No

First of all, not everything happens under your control. It is essential that you control what you believe will really benefit you or what makes you feel stressed.

Too much responsibility means too much stress. The more workload you take on, the more worn out and overwhelmed you will feel.

Make sure you are absolutely sure of what you are prepared to take on and choose accordingly. Don't be afraid to say "no" if you are not going to be happy with what you are doing and feel constantly stressed.

Being selective in what you accept is another effective way to control stressors.

8. Spend time with your animal friends

Having a pet can reduce stress during the day.

Spending time with your cat, bird, dog or other pet increases positive emotions and keeps you active, even at home.

Strengthening your bond with animals helps you control your mood swings and is another way to relieve stress.


For students, stress is a normal mood change.

Although stress, anxiety and worry may be present throughout your student life, there are many effective ways to reduce the feeling. Your starting point should be to find the source of the stress.

All the factors mentioned above will help you maintain a balance between home, school, work and social life. However, excessive stress leads to bigger problems. Therefore, you should identify what is causing you to feel stressed and find ways to overcome it. Of course, you should not only find them, but also implement them.

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