24 January 2025

Teknofest Club Organized Take Off Istanbul Trip

Üsküdar University Teknofest Club organized a trip to Istanbul Expo Center as part of the Take Off Istanbul event on December 12, 2024. With more than 75 participants, this event was organized to explore innovations in the technology and entrepreneurship ecosystem, make connections in the industry and evaluate new business opportunities.

Take Off Istanbul is known as a prestigious event that brings together entrepreneurs, investors and technology enthusiasts from around the world. Üsküdar University students had the opportunity to examine new generation startup projects, closely follow technological innovations and be inspired by industry leaders.

Participants attended presentations focused on entrepreneurship and technology and observed innovative ideas in the sector. They also had one-on-one meetings with industry professionals and investors, making valuable connections for their future careers and projects.

Teknofest Club members stated that the event gave them an innovative perspective and shed light on their future projects. The presentations, innovative projects and developments in the entrepreneurship ecosystem had a positive and motivating impact on the participants.

At the end of the event, the students expressed their great satisfaction for the new perspectives they gained on the world of technology and entrepreneurship. Üsküdar University Teknofest Club announced that it will continue to organize events that offer new opportunities in the field of technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.
