02 May 2024

Psychology Club discussed the details of being an Industrial and Organizational Psychologist

Üsküdar University Psychology Club, affiliated to the Department of Health, Culture and Sports, conveyed the details of this field and the advantages of specialization to the students with the conference "Becoming an Industrial and Organizational Psychologist" held in the Socrates Hall of South Campus E Block.

During the event, the participants learned about the importance of industrial and organizational psychology and how specializing in this field can contribute to their careers through presentations made by the Psychology Club management and club members. Speaker Tuğana Akyürek shared her experiences and enlightened the participants about the benefits, pros and cons of industrial and organizational psychology.

The event continued with an interactive question and answer session. Students had the opportunity to have more in-depth knowledge about the field by addressing the topics they were curious about to the speakers . Theevent, which had a total of 30 participants, was successfully held as planned and the purpose of the event was achieved by meeting the expectations of the participants.

The Psychology Club stated that it will continue to provide students with information about career options in psychology and share the experiences of experts.
